News Update – Nature Stirs…

It is now the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Our ancient ancestors (who possibly used the Ring) regarded this as the start of the time when nature starts to stir a little and the light is coming (although it might be hard to believe that on this dull and damp Friday!). Early signs of the spring to come are there to be seen on the Reserve and in our gardens. A walk this morning showed the violet flowers in the woods above Halewick Lane are coming out. It’s well worth a visit to see them – especially on a sunny day when the violet smell from the flowers and even the leaves is glorious. The birds are also starting to stir and a song thrush was using the bushes by the dewpond to announce itself and possibly its territory. Perhaps you have heard it yourself? It often repeats a phrase several times.

The first butterflies have also been seen. These were a couple of Red Admirals and Peacocks that will have overwintered.

And finally, the mowing has begun too in MacIntyre’s field. This keeps the grass short and allows our wild flowers to come through, but we will have to wait a little while yet for those.

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