Team Effort Today on the Ring

You may remember that following the massive tree removal due to the nationwide ash dieback problem Adur Rangers planted around 2000 saplings to replace them, ultimately. Over the last two summers, because the ground was opened up so much to the light, a lot of scrub, mostly in the form of invasive branbles, has grown up around them and is in danger of strangling the little plants which are struggling to establish themselves (not helped by the long drought in the summer). Last week and today a team of six went up there and cleared around the trees to give them a helping hand. It was quite a task as the area is extensive and difficult to get to (because of the scrub) but hopefully now the trees will have a greater chance to thrive, and also, hopefully, the ground will be clear enough for other woodland species, for example the early purple orchids, to come up in the Spring and beyond and give us a good show. The team, four of them pictured here with two who had to leave early before we had a chance to get the camera out, comprised members of the South Downs National Park, Adur and Worthing Council Rangers and the Friends of Lancing Ring. It was a successful day, although cold, and we were pleased to be able to get together and get the job done before it became dark.

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